The question is not Why Adventure Race. It is Why is VASBYT 36. Why does it exist. Why is it more hardass than other events. Why do we not expect the whole field to complete it. 

(Hold fast, we’re about to get philosophical here.)

Because anything that is easy can be bought. Let us appreciate the fact that those of us reading this are privileged to be in the position to want, or need, more challenge in our lives. Many, many people would prefer things to be easier.

With reference to Maslow, once we have satisfied our basic physical and psychological needs, they are not forefront in our minds anymore, because they are no longer a deficit to be dealt with. They are tangible things that we have surplus of, and that can be traded with others – food, shelter, love, recognition, sense of belonging, respect, knowledge. Social media status.

With all that safely in the bank and various investment portfolios, we can now peer into that hazy window of self-actualisation. But this is not a commodity. It cannot be bought nor borrowed. The quest to be the *best we can be* is an intense and absolutely personal journey where you are striving to become the most that you can be and to accomplish everything you can. This involves immense and continued output of effort – to keep embracing challenges that better you.

So back to Why does VASBYT 36 exist.

We are not selling you nirvana and self-fulfilment (remember it cannot be bought, even if we charged you more 😉) just an opportunity to willingly put yourself in a position where you really are challenged, and grow that little bit more because if it. (The short answer..We love the word, use it often and think there is more of it needed in the world today.)

Next up: WHEN IS VASBYT 36 (It’s 22-24 Jan but we’re going for a more figurative musing)

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